In May 2020, one of my perspective articles appeared in the International Journal of Energy Research to highlight the importance of hydrogen energy and define the year 2020 with the pandemic as a turning point where the carbon age turns into the hydrogen age, obviously confirming that the use of hydrocarbon fuels will decrease while the clean hydrogen production and use will increase. Apparently, in July 2020 European Union initiated its green hydrogen deal, and many other countries declared their road maps and strategic plans to implement hydrogen technologies. Almost every country is now trying to do something to get ready for the hydrogen economy, where the economic sectors will depend heavily on hydrogen and hydrogen-related technologies. One should not think that hydrogen will only serve as fuel or energy carrier. Not really! Hydrogen will be deployed as fuel, energy carrier, and feedstock. We are pretty familiar with hydrogen’s dimensions as a fuel and energy carrier, but not with feedstock, which will help change the carbon fuel economy to the hydrogen fuel economy where hydrogen will be used to synthesize many other chemicals and fuels for various purposes in many sectors. In conjunction with this, we have even been seeing drastic changes in the petroleum sector where they have a common goal to go for renewables and hydrogen. So, the future will be with clean hydrogen. I strongly encourage all to join this hydrogen movement before it is too late.
As the Founding Chair of the 13th International Conference on Hydrogen Production (ICH2P-22), it is my great pleasure to cordially invite you to present your paper at this prestigious conference. ICH2P is a unique scientific event that aims to bring all researchers, scientists, academicians, and professionals working in hydrogen energy systems, ranging from production to storage and end-use options, such as fuel cells, for a common goal of hydrogen civilization. This conference will provide an online platform for contributions to the development and enhancement of hydrogen energy systems and a place to interact with researchers from all around the world to gain a better understanding of the use of hydrogen energy systems for a sustainable future. Much like past ICH2P s, ICH2P -2022 will provide an outlook on the current research activities and help shape the future of hydrogen energy systems. Under the shelter of the prestigious International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE) and the support of the Turkish National Hydrogen Association, it is expected that ICH2P -2022 will turn out to be a success story with the strongest online participation and strongest global influence.
Ibrahim Dincer
Founding Chair
Selected papers from the conference will be invited to special issues of well regonised international journals listed in JCR-WOS